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I have a serious friggin' problem with these apples.

I cannot stop.
I cannot stop eating these damn things!
I am a woman obsessed.
In my Apple Cinnamon Pancake Recipe post a few weeks ago, I explained that my SIL has an apple tree in her yard. Each year at harvest time, I strip that tree down of all of its fruit. I'm not joking. I swing by her house on the regular to grab more delicious apples. Most of these apple pickings are drive-bys.
But sometimes I do make myself known... and I bring help.
This is my brother in the tree. Hi bro.
This is my hubs waiting to have apples whipped at him by my brother, one at a time.
Now, don't you think this process would go a lot faster if they just shook the tree and we could pick up all the apples? Yeah, me too. But boys will be boys. If they wanna have some fun playing catch that's fine by me as long as I get my fix, uh, I mean apples.
Yes, this is a different bag than the pic above. Believe me, you don't wanna know how many bags of apples have passed through the threshold of our home in the past four weeks.
Yes, this is a different bag than the pic above. Believe me, you don't wanna know how many bags of apples have passed through the threshold of our home in the past four weeks.
I have been baking with these apples non-stop. I just made my seventh apple pie, wait, is it seven? Idk, it may be the eighth. I've lost count. I've made apple bread, apple muffins, cooked cinnamon apples, apple crisp, apple cinnamon pancakes, regular applesauce, cinnamon applesauce. It's insane. And I'm not even able to give you a count on how many raw apples I've eaten. All I know is it's an obscene number.
Of all the apple recipes, my little girls keep asking for more cinnamon applesauce. They can't get enough. I'm afraid my apple frenzy may have rubbed off a bit onto my Littles. But hey, it's healthy and yummy and mama doesn't mind.
I thought I'd share the recipe because if my kiddos love it so much, maybe yours will too.
But let me tell you, this is not only loved by children. No siree.
This applesauce is off the chain delicious. I served it with pork chops just a few nights ago and I thought my husband was going to ask me to marry him all over again.
Yes, it's that good.
It tastes a lot like apple butter. So if you like apple butter, you'll LOVE this stuff!
It tastes a lot like apple butter. So if you like apple butter, you'll LOVE this stuff!
Omg and the smell of it cooking! It fills your house with the most heavenly scent of Fall and coziness.
I'm going to interject here and mention that these apple recipes I've been making (and eating) are my own healthy versions. No sugar, no flour, no oil. Just throwin' that out there. I mean this is a health and fitness blog, I didn't want you all to think I fell off the health wagon.
Before I give you the recipe to this yummy applesauce, I feel the need to make you truly understand the level I'm at with these apples. Prepare yourself. It's not pretty.
My eight year old, Jossy, loves to help me with my blog photo shoots.
She's a trip, this one.
I asked her if she had any ideas for this applesauce post. While standing on a dining room chair towering over me, she said, "Why don't you roll around in the apples since you love them more than us."
She's a trip, this one.
My Little Mouse. Always up for some blog shenanigans.
I asked her if she had any ideas for this applesauce post. While standing on a dining room chair towering over me, she said, "Why don't you roll around in the apples since you love them more than us."
What a smartass.
Hey, but you know what? Not a bad idea. I like it. It'll capture my love for Fall apples perfectly... or drive home, even further, the point that I'm bat-shit.
But whatevs.
So after I rolled around in the apples, I held some out and asked Jossy what she thought I should do next.
Jossy says, "Okay mom, show everyone how much you love apples."
This is how much I love apples!
Jossy: "No mom, that's not enough. You love apples way more than that."
Me: "Geez, I thought that was good. What do you want from me, kid?"
Jossy: "The truth, mom. I want the truth."
Dang, this kid is really something. The truth, she says.
Well, I suppose the truth is best.
But sometimes the truth is disturbing.
Before we move on let me just say that it really isn't a healthy thing to have love affairs with food.
Let me also say that I have worked very hard in this department.
However, most of my success has been with switching to more healthy foods to love rather than succeeding at conquering the obsessions themselves.
I'm trying.
I really am.
Oh, screw it, lets get on with it, shall we?
There it is.
Now that is how much I really love apples.
That's right, I'm giving it all to you. No shame here. Just giving you the truth and nothing but the truth. Sometimes the truth is ugly. Sometimes the truth ends up with a call from your mother. This I'm sure will be one of those times.
My wonderful mama, Linda, still calls me (let me remind you I'm 42 years old) and asks me, "Why do you put these pictures up of yourself making all these weird and embarrassing faces." Here's the answer. Because this is me. It would kill me to pretend to be normal and put-together, because I'm not... and I like it that way.
And shit, let's be honest, any day you can post pictures of apples making love to your face... well that's a good friggin' day in my book.
Are you ready for the applesauce recipe? God, I hope so because I blew my wad on the apple caressing pic. I got nothin' left.
So here we go!
No Sugar Added
Makes 3-4 cups.
*If you double this recipe, it will perfectly fill a 6 quart crockpot. If you double this recipe, it will yield 6-8 cups.
- 5 Pounds of Apples (Any variety or combination)
- 1 1/2 TBS Ground Cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp Ground Cloves
- 1/4 tsp Ground Nutmeg
- Stevia packets *Optional (I use 3)
1. Peel and thinly slice the apples.

2. Pour just enough water in empty crockpot to cover the bottom (approx. 1/3 cup).
*This pic is of a double batch. If you are making this recipe as written, your apples will not fill a 6 quart crockpot.
4. Add cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg and mix well.
5. Cook on high for 5 hours.
7. Add stevia packets one at a time and taste test. Add until you reach the desired sweetness.
This recipe will make 3-4 cups of applesauce.
Below is a 14 cup container. (BUT remember that's a double batch in there!)

Below is a 14 cup container. (BUT remember that's a double batch in there!)

Important Notes:
*You do NOT need stevia for this applesauce. It is delicious all on it's own. However, I have a sweet tooth and I like my applesauce very sweet. Make sure you test the applesauce BEFORE you add any stevia. You may find you love it without it.
* If you prefer your applesauce very smooth, you can puree it in a blender or food processor. However, I would recommend letting it cool down before doing so.
* If you prefer regular applesauce, simply follow the above recipe exactly as it is except leave out the cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg.
The regular will be darker than what you would think it would be, but the cinnamon will be noticeably darker.
* How many apples are in a pound? Here's a quick reference:
1 Pound of Apples = 4 Small Apples
1 Pound of Apples = 3 Med. Apples
1 Pound of Apples = 2 Large Apples
So for this recipe, you would need:
20 Small Apples, 15 Medium Apples, or 10 Large Apples

Prepare for a party in your mouth, because this applesauce will blow you away!
Enjoy :)

Prepare for a party in your mouth, because this applesauce will blow you away!
Enjoy :)
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*The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content in this article is for general information purposes only. I am not a doctor, nor am I a dietitian. Talk to your physician before making any changes in your diet or exercise regimen. The information found in this article is from various sources which include, but are not limited to, the sites listed above. I encourage you to do your own research and talk with your physician before making any changes in diet or exercise. What has worked for me may not work for you. This information in this article or on this website should never replace or serve as medical advice.
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