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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2015


Hình ảnh
Hi there! Half of Gabby  has moved to a new kickass website!  Read this article, in it’s updated version, HERE.   *  The page that you are on right now (www.halfofgabby.blogspot.com) is no longer posting new articles and information. Half of Gabby has moved to www.halfofgabby.com and will continue to post new material regularly! In addition, all older articles have been updated on the new site! ~~~ I have a serious friggin' problem with these apples.  I cannot stop.  I cannot stop eating these damn things! I am a woman obsessed.  In my  Apple Cinnamon Pancake Recipe   post a few weeks ago, I explained that my SIL has an apple tree in her yard. Each year at harvest time, I strip that tree down of all of its fruit. I'm not joking. I swing by her house on the regular to grab more delicious apples. Most of these apple pickings are drive-bys.  But sometimes I do make myself known... and I bring help. Thi...

Why I Made Friends With My Inner Fatty

Hình ảnh
Hi there! Half of Gabby  has moved to a new kickass website!  Read this article, in it’s updated version, HERE.   *  The page that you are on right now (www.halfofgabby.blogspot.com) is no longer posting new articles and information. Half of Gabby has moved to www.halfofgabby.com and will continue to post new material regularly! In addition, all older articles have been updated on the new site! ~~~ Warning : Adult language.  I'm not gonna lie, a major reason why I decided to be friends with my inner fatty is that she's a real persistent bitch. Omg, constantly hounding and harassing me. I finally realized that befriending her was my only chance of some peace and quiet.  Turns out she's not very quiet either way, but I have found some peace. Actually, as much as I don't want to admit it, I'm kinda sorta starting to like her (don't tell her I said that). Along with peace, I've made a couple revelations that have really h...