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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 5, 2015

How To Pick A Perfect Watermelon

Hình ảnh
Hi there! Half of Gabby  has moved to a new kickass website!  Read this article, in it’s updated version, HERE.     *  The page that you are on right now (www.halfofgabby.blogspot.com) is no longer posting new articles and information. Half of Gabby has moved to www.halfofgabby.com and will continue to post new material regularly! In addition, all older articles have been updated on the new site! ~~~ It sucks major ass to cut open a watermelon and find out that you got a crappy one. I don't know about your household, but we're like crack heads for watermelon all summer long. We can't get enough.  In our house when we get an extra sweet and yummy watermelon, we call it a magical watermelon. Are you ready for a summer full of magical watermelons? Okay, this is the realio dealio when it comes to picking out the perfect watermelon. Easy peasy.  STEP 1: Pick a watermelon that has brown webbing. In order for the watermelons ...


Hình ảnh
Hi there! Half of Gabby  has moved to a new kickass website!  Read this article, in it’s updated version, HERE.     *  The page that you are on right now (www.halfofgabby.blogspot.com) is no longer posting new articles and information. Half of Gabby has moved to www.halfofgabby.com and will continue to post new material regularly! In addition, all older articles have been updated on the new site! ~~~ Okay so I slipped up last weekend.   Like hardcore. We went out of state to visit my bro. He and his wife just had their third baby and we needed to meet this new little nugget.  Omg she is so precious! I ate her face off.  But let me tell you, her face isn't the only thing I ate. Dear Lord, I was eating like I was gettin' paid. It didn't help that my brother has this gorgeous gourmet kitchen (which is bigger than my damn house, btw). I mean, you don't want to leave this kitchen. It is so big and beautiful and om...