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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 5, 2011

WHAT YOU SHOULD EAT: Not All Calories are Equal

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Hi there! Half of Gabby has moved to a new kickass website!  Read this article, in it’s updated version, HERE.   *  The page that you are on right now (www.halfofgabby.blogspot.com) is no longer posting new articles and information. Half of Gabby has moved to www.halfofgabby.com and will continue to post new material regularly! In addition, all older articles have been updated on the new site! ~~~ "Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.", Doug Larson Eating healthy isn't as hard as you think. What's hard is making the change . We resist change. It's normal for us to resist anything that is different. And when it comes to eating, let's be honest...sitting around eating yummy bad foods is a helluva lot easier than working up a sweat and eating a salad. But eating healthy doesn't mean rice cakes and celery sticks. There are endless options to eating healthy that are easy and d...


Hình ảnh
Hi there! Half of Gabby has moved to a new kickass website!  Read this article, in it’s updated version, HERE.   *  The page that you are on right now (www.halfofgabby.blogspot.com) is no longer posting new articles and information. Half of Gabby has moved to www.halfofgabby.com and will continue to post new material regularly! In addition, all older articles have been updated on the new site! ~~~ YOGA.... IT'LL KICK YOUR ASS.     The only reason I tried yoga in the first place is that I truly wasn't into exercising and thought that it'd be easy. Hahaha! Oh did that theory get squashed.      My very first stab at yoga would have left even the most controlled and proper individual in total hysterics. I was trying to contort my 260 pound body into positions that were not only foreign to me but damn near impossible.  My limbs were shaking and sweat was pouring off of me. In between grunt...