Bài đăng

Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2011


Hình ảnh
Hi there.  Half of Gabby has moved to a new kickass website!  Read this article, in it’s updated version, HERE.   *  The page that you are on right now (www.halfofgabby.blogspot.com) is no longer posting new articles and information. Half of Gabby has moved to www.halfofgabby.com and will continue to post new material regularly! In addition, all older articles have been updated on the new site! ~~~ I recently started up a workout group, it's called the Sexy Bitches Workout Group (SBWG). Once a week, I meet with the girls and train them. Due to the wonderful response and demand, we will more than likely be adding a second day. I have my girls complete a circuit of three stations; cardio, resistance bands, & kettle bell...for now. These stations will change periodically to ensure variety as well as muscle confusion. It's important to not fall into a workout rut where the same workout goes unchanged for long periods o...


Hình ảnh
Hi there.  Half of Gabby has moved to a new kickass website!  Read this article, in it’s updated version, HERE.   *  The page that you are on right now (www.halfofgabby.blogspot.com) is no longer posting new articles and information. Half of Gabby has moved to www.halfofgabby.com and will continue to post new material regularly! In addition, all older articles have been updated on the new site! ~~~       Let me start by saying, I knew I was going to have body lift surgery before I even lost one pound.   Me right before my weight loss journey (262 lbs and then me three months post-surgery (144 lbs). There was a  very  long two years in between these two pictures. I knew if I put the crazy work in and actually lost over a hundred and twenty pounds, I was gonna want to go all the way with what my original goal was. I had a mission. Mission Sexy Bitch . So I put it in the back of my mind and didn't think about it too m...